Apply Now
Grades K-5
Please carefully read the information below for both new and returning students.
► ALL Students are required to register before the first day of school.
Students who are not registered on the first day of classes (August 4, 2025), may lose their priority seating, may be delayed in starting classes, and will miss important instruction. To avoid missing time in class, please be sure to submit the documents listed below to get your child ready for the start of school.
► Documents may be emailed to with the subject line “2025-26 Registration” OR brought in on July 17th – 8am-12pm & 1pm-5pm. August 4, 2025 is the First Day of School
Parents must submit two proofs of residency. Proofs should be dated within the last 30 days of registration day. Arrow Academy accepts the following as proofs:
MLG&W bill or municipal water bill
Mortgage statement/deed
Public assistance/government benefits
Real estate tax receipt
Shared residence verification can only be done in person
Parents must also provide:
If student has received any immunizations recently, a current Immunization record on state of TN form and physical
Parents will need to submit or bring in the following documentation in order for your child's registration to be completed:
Send an email to with the subject line "2025-26 New Student Registration." The email must contain a copy of the parent/guardian's valid driver's license or state-issued ID.
► Two approved proofs of residence must be submitted with the email, such as:
Current MLGW bill or municipal water bill
Lease/rental agreement
Mortgage statement/deed
Public assistance/government benefits
Real estate tax receipt
Shared residence verification can only be done in person.
- The student's Birth Certificate must be submitted with the email. (must be a certified copy, not mother's copy)
- A social security card is also preferred, but not required but must supply social security number or state-issued PIN
- Immunization record on a state of TN form K-6 eligible and physical must be submitted prior to school starting.
- New Students entering grades 1-5 will need a copy of their last report card and IEP, if applicable.
*Emails submitted without the required documents and a photo ID will not be processed.
Once we have reviewed your documents, we will contact you to inform you of the next steps.
► AAE Student Application
► Information collected on this application will be used to determine eligibility for enrollment and to collect general information.
► Information collected on this application will not be used to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ancestry, or athletic performance.
Apply below or print the application here.